Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Never been happier

I don't usually do this and i never mean to be cheesy or crazy romantic, but

I love you, and it's not even close to anything I've been through before

Thank you for this beautiful 9 months
For those messages, those little things you do for me, for taking care of me when I'm sick, for driving me home every night after every dates, for your patience, for your forgiveness, for your sincerity, for your presence, for your kindness, for your gentleness, for the way you always listen, always there, always always love me no matter what.

I'll do my very best to deserve you.. :)


dian n. kusumadewi said...

it's so amazing how love can make you feel, isn't it!


uh wow, seems like my girl is trully in love yah. congratulations, and yes, you deserve it tik!

Aprillia N Kartikasari said...

ahuhuhu aku baru lihat commentnya haha yes it is mbak di! *blush blush blush* maacih ger :*
